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I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Fin de Año Escolar  Actividades (SPANISH VERSION)

Fin de Año Escolar Actividades (SPANISH VERSION)

Este recurso ofrece a tus estudiantes un regalo que conservarán para siempre. Su objetivo es reforzar la gratitud y la amabilidad. Ambos son atributos esenciales que ofrecen beneficios significativos, mejorando la vida de los niños ahora y en el futuro. Fomentar estos atributos es la mejor manera de ayudar a los estudiantes a sentirse bien consigo mismos, con los demás y con el mundo que les rodea. El formato de lista de control es fantástico, ya que anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre las contribuciones que han hecho al colegio, a los maestros y a los compañeros de clase. Esta autorreflexión les infunde un sentimiento de logro y reconocimiento por sus esfuerzos. Las pulseras son una poderosa herramienta para que los niños reconozcan y aprecien a las personas que les han apoyado a lo largo del curso escolar. Llevar estas pulseras les ayuda a desarrollar un sentimiento de orgullo y gratitud por sus logros y por las personas que les han ayudado a lo largo del camino. Los lápices son fácilmente imprimibles y se pueden exponer en el pasillo o clase o en una pared de la casa. ¡Prepárate para recibir muchos cumplidos! Recuerda, la amabilidad y la gratitud son contagiosas, y al fomentarlas en tus estudiantes, puedes ayudar a crear un recuerdo inolvidable que durará toda la vida. Este recurso incluye: Brazalete de fin de año Estoy agradecido … Fin de Año Escolar - Checklist Recuerdos de Fin de Año Este año fue … (Lápiz fantástico para decorar la clase o el tablero de anuncios) Feliz Fin de Año Escolar! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés! --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum --------------------------------------------"
Positive Self-Talk with Emojis - PowerPoint Presentation

Positive Self-Talk with Emojis - PowerPoint Presentation

This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Positive Self-Talk with Emojis - PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This PowerPoint is meticulously crafted to enable your students to identify their self-talk patterns and effectively address them. It empowers children to confront their fears with unwavering confidence, encourages the regular practice of positive self-talk, and instills a sense of self-worth. The slides present a wealth of exceptional strategies that will aid in cultivating and enhancing positive self-talk among your students. By employing this PowerPoint, your classroom fosters an environment where students are encouraged to openly express their ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Consequently, they will gain a heightened self-awareness regarding their self-talk and develop the ability to discern between positive and negative inner dialogue. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: Positive Self-Talk Questions Slide 2: What is Positive Self-Talk? Slide 3: Examples of Positive Self-Talk? Slide 4: Ways to Practice Positive Self-Talk Slide 5: Why is Positive Self-Talk good for you? Slide 6: Types of Self-Talk Slide 7: What is Negative Self-Talk? Slide 8: Effects of Negative Self-Talk Slide 9: Negative Self-Talk Examples Slide 10: How to Stop Negative Self-Talk Slide 11: Negative Self-Talk Vs. Positive Self-Talk Slide 12: We have learned about Positive Self-Talk Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Enjoy with your students the benefits of Positive Self-Talk! "---------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version -----------------------------" "---------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Positive Self-Talk with Emojis - PowerPoint Presentation Positive Self-Talk Mini-Book With Emojis Positive Self-Talk - Emojis Mini Craft Positive Self-Talk Cootie Catcher with Emojis ----------------------------"
International Men’s Day  Banners / Pennants and Biography Research

International Men’s Day Banners / Pennants and Biography Research

This resource is an excellent tool to celebrate the lives and accomplishments of all men, whether they are well-known or not. Simply ask your students to mention men who have made a positive impact or whom they admire and love for changing their lives. Decorate the school or classroom with their pictures and names. This activity is perfect for honoring the men who inspire your students. The Biography Research Worksheet helps students gather information about famous men. Provide books or articles and allow them to complete their worksheets! The Biography Research Worksheet assists students in discovering details about a renowned man. Utilize books or articles and enable them to fill out the worksheets. Feel free to use any colorful paper you have available! For the best results, I highly recommend printing the pennants on cardstock. There are eight different pennants: The most important Man in my life My favorite Artist My favorite Scientist My favorite Politician My favorite Athlete My favorite historical Figure My favorite Writer My favorite Man ________ This resource includes: Eight different International Men’s Day pennants/banners in black and white. One worksheet to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate: famous artist, teacher, friend, etc. A Biography Research Worksheet in black and white. "------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version -------------------------------" "------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation International Women’s Day Means to Me… -------------------------------" Happy Men’s Day!
Family PowerPoint Presentation

Family PowerPoint Presentation

This presentation is ideal for introducing the captivating theme of family. Students will have the valuable opportunity to deeply reflect on and thoughtfully question various aspects of their own familial bonds. Moreover, this exploration will lead them to uncover fascinating and previously unexplored dimensions of their families. Children will be empowered to recognize, genuinely appreciate, and gain a profound understanding of what makes their families truly unique and exceptionally special. This presentation helps kids comprehend the immense value of family and why it is absolutely vital to nurture, care for, and wholeheartedly respect it is of utmost importance. Immerse yourself and your students in the enchanting journey of exploring the topic of family, and together, discover the reasons why it is an invaluable treasure that warrants unwavering care and devotion. As you embark on this enlightening quest, brace yourselves for an array of emotions and sentiments that may rise to the surface, creating a truly unforgettable discussion! This resource includes: Slide 1: What is a Family? Slide 2: Different Types of Families Slide 3: There Are More Types of Families Slide 4: What Qualities Make a Family? Slide 5: Functions of a Family Slide 6: There Are Kids Who Have NO Family Slide 7: Family Rules Slide 8: All Families Have Conflicts Slide 9: Resolving Family Conflicts Slide 10: All Families Are Special Slide 11: My Family is Unique and Special Because … Slide 12: We Have Learned About Family "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Family Day - My Family is Special Activity My Family is Special What is a Family? Free Sample! --------------------------------------------" Happy Family Day!
Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint

Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint

La presentación del Día de la Mascota es la oportunidad perfecta para enseñar a nuestros niños la importancia de cuidar y ser responsables de las mascotas que pasan a formar parte de nuestras vidas. Las diapositivas inculcan en los niños la comprensión de que las mascotas requieren atención, tiempo y dedicación, podemos ayudar a reducir el abandono de mascotas y aliviar su sufrimiento. Esta presentación se centra en destacar las ventajas de tener un animal de compañía en casa, al tiempo que hace hincapié en la responsabilidad que conlleva. Los niños se darán cuenta de que las mascotas no son meros juguetes; merecen nuestro amor, respeto, cuidados, empatía y compasión. Cada diapositiva incluye preguntas de reflexión que ayudarán a los estudiantes a reconocer el verdadero valor y significado de las mascotas. Entenderán cómo y por qué las mascotas dependen de nuestro amor y atención. Prepárate para quedar encantado con estas adorables criaturas, ¡y tus estudiantes también lo estarán! Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es una Mascota? Diapositiva 2: Beneficios de Tener una Mascota Diapositiva 3: ¿Cómo Cuidar de una Mascota? Diapositiva 4: Responsabilidad del Dueño de una Mascota Diapositiva 5: ¿Debo Tener una Mascota? Diapositiva 6: No Compra - Adopta Diapositiva 7: Los Buenos Dueños de Mascotas… Diapositiva 8: ¿Qué Podemos Aprender de las Mascotas? Diapositiva 9: Cuando Perdemos una Mascota… Diapositiva 10: ¿Cuál es la Mejor Mascota para Mí? - Prueba Diapositiva11: We Have Learned About… Las Mascotas Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Related resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Mascotas Mini Libro y Banderín Día de la Mascota | Etiqueta de Cordón El Zoológico - Cosas Que Nos Enseñan Los Animales --------------------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día Nacional de las Mascotas!
Parrot Day Craft

Parrot Day Craft

This resource will have your students spreading their wings and soaring with creativity. The Parrot craft is the perfect addition to your lesson plan. Your students will love creating their own unique parrot, complete with vibrant feathers and a beaming smile. Children can write their best ideas to protect these funny and adorable animals on the parrot’s wings. This activity will enable your children to generate awareness and love for wild animals from a very young age. Imagine the joy on your students’ faces as they proudly display their handcrafted parrots in the classroom or at home. Watch your students’ imaginations take flight. To see more crafts check here! This resource includes: Page 1: Parrot body parts Page 2: Parrot feathers Page 3: Parrot body parts (empty version) Page 4: Parrot feathers (empty version) Happy World Parrot Day! "----------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Español -----------------------------------------------"
Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro

Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro

Este recurso ayuda a tus niños a alcanzar su potencial y a promover la armonía en sus vidas. Es perfecto para enseñarles que son dignos de recibir respeto y de dar respeto a los demás. La actividad ofrece estrategias sencillas, como un espejo de autoestima, una estrategia de mensajes de texto y modelos de conducta positivos para ayudar a tus estudiantes a examinar el concepto de autoestima y lo que realmente significa en su vida cotidiana. Las hojas de trabajo ayudan a los estudiantes a fomentar la habilidad de la autorreflexión, que les permite evaluar sus acciones y señalar los hábitos, ideas y pensamientos que necesitan mejorar para alimentar su amor propio. Enseñar es una de las mejores prácticas para aprender, así que tus niños se convertirán en expertos intentando enseñar a un adorable zorro a fomentar su auto respeto y su autoestima. El personaje del zorro permanecerá en la memoria de los estudiantes, ya que les ayuda a reconocer cuándo no se respetan a sí mismos y les guía para mejorar su autoestima. Anima a tus estudiantes a leer sus libros o sus respuestas a sus familias para reforzar su autoestima. También es un buen tema de conversación para las familias. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Auto-Respeto (Significado y Reglas de Oro) Página 2: El Espejo del Auto-Respeto Página 3: Ejemplo Positivo de Auto-Respeto Página 4: Mensaje de Texto de Auto-Respeto Página 5: Enseñale al Zorro a Respetarse a Sí Mismo "------------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------------" "----------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro Honestidad - Tema el Panda Patience - Turtle Craft Patience - Turtle Theme Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache Responsabilidad - Tema el Conejo Tolerancia - Tema el Oso Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache -----------------------------------" ¡Disfruta Enseñando a Tus Estudiantes a Respetarse a Sí Mismos!
Self-Respect Fox Theme

Self-Respect Fox Theme

This resource helps your kids reach their potential and promote harmony in their lives. It is perfect for teaching your kids that they are worthy of receiving respect and giving respect to others. The activity offers easy strategies such as a self-respect mirror, a text message strategy, and positive role models to help your kids examine the concept of self-respect and what it truly means in their everyday lives. The worksheets help students foster the skill of self-reflection, which enables them to evaluate their actions and pinpoint the habits, ideas, and thoughts that need improvement to nurture their self-respect. Teaching is one of the best practices for learning, so your kids will become experts by trying to teach an adorable fox to build his or her self-respect and self-esteem. The fox character will remain memorable to the students, as it helps them recognize when they don’t respect themselves and guides them in improving their self-esteem. Encourage your students to read their books or responses to their families for reinforcement. It’s also a great conversation starter for families! This resource includes: Page 1: Self-Respect Meaning and Golden Rules Page 2: Self-Respect Mirror Page 3: Self-Respect - Positive Role Model Page 4: Self-Respect - Text Message Page 5: Teach the Fox Self-Respect "-------------------- --------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version -------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Honesty - Panda Theme Patience - Turtle Theme Responsibility - Rabbit Theme Self-Respect - Fox Theme Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme Tolerance - Bear Theme -----------------------------" Enjoy Teaching Your Children Self-Respect!
Moon Phases Stick Puppets, Bracelets and Cootie Catcher

Moon Phases Stick Puppets, Bracelets and Cootie Catcher

The resource has 12 different puppets that include a line where students describe the main concepts of the moon phases. The stick puppets are perfect to understand the different ways the moon looks from Earth over about a month, and students can explain this amazing process by playing roles. The bracelets are a great way to review the vocabulary and concepts learned. The cootie catcher is a fantastic game to ‘trick’ your students into learning without them even knowing it. Students understand the vocabulary and then explain the concepts learned about the different phases of the moon. Children also use stick puppets to explain the Lunar Eclipse! This resource includes the following stick puppets: Earth Sun New Moon Waxing crescent Moon First Quarter Moon Waxing Gibbous Moon Full Moon Waning Gibbous Moon Last Quarter Moon Waning Gibbous Moon Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong This resource includes: Moon Phases Sticks Puppets Moon Phases Bracelets Moon Phases Cootie Catcher "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version! --------------------------------------------" Enjoy this Moon Phases Resource!
New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals

New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals

Help your students cultivate inner motivation, foster positive thinking, and achieve their goals right from the start of the year. The back-to-school period presents a fantastic opportunity to understand your students’ expectations and aspirations. This resource is perfect for students embarking on a new school year, term, or activity. Benefits: Empowering students to set clear and impactful goals. When children visualize themselves attaining their goals, it becomes easier for them to manifest their aspirations, leading to increased self-esteem. Cultivating students’ awareness of the process involved in achieving their goals and enhancing their motivation to give their best efforts. The act of visualization helps students develop focus and a stronger desire to turn their goals into reality. This visualization album provides two versions, each with slight design variations. It consists of 8 different pages where children can express their goals and expectations for the new school year through drawings and writing. Here are the instructions: Print the two files on both sides of the paper (back and front) using two sheets. Fold the two sheets in half. Bind the pages together, forming a book, and staple along the folded edge. "------------------------------ ★**Related resources: ** Download the Spanish Version! ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★ You may like these BACK TO SCHOOL resources: My School - Bucket and Spade List Craft New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals Back to School Activities and Crafts Back to School - Monsters Album Back to School - Monsters Love School - Activities Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft Back to School - Activities Back to School Activities - Google Slides Back to School Monsters Posters Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Back to School Monster Poster Free Sample! ----------------------------------" I wish you a wonderful year ahead when all your goals and expectations come true.
Christopher Columbus Activity

Christopher Columbus Activity

Teach about Christopher Columbus while fostering creativity and helping students make connections among different data and information about this historical figure. This resource aids in developing your students’ understanding of the major events in Christopher Columbus’ life. The purpose of this resource is to visually represent information about Christopher Columbus, making it enjoyable for students to organize their thoughts and ideas in a straightforward manner. The first two worksheets facilitate a focused exploration of a specific topic related to Christopher Columbus. The final activity, a mind map titled “If I were Christopher Columbus…”, encourages children to identify relationships, connections, and patterns with ease, specifically related to Christopher Columbus. This resource is highly valuable and user-friendly for reviewing Christopher Columbus. It serves as an excellent activity to promote exploration. This resource includes: All About Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus Facts Christopher Columbus Discovers America If I Were Christopher Columbus "---------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ----------------------------" Happy Christopher Columbus Day!
Herencia Hispana - Actividad

Herencia Hispana - Actividad

Este recurso celebra y honra las valiosas contribuciones del pueblo hispano. Proporciona una excelente oportunidad para que los niños comprendan realmente el significado de la celebración de la Herencia Hispana. Es esencial proporcionar a los niños oportunidades para celebrar y explorar diferentes culturas, especialmente cuando se trata de su propia herencia. El Mes de la Herencia Hispana ofrece una excelente oportunidad para explorar la diversidad dentro de la población hispana. También nos permite apreciar la abundancia cultural hispana. Invita a tus niños a participar en lecciones sobre la importante presencia e influencia de los hispanos en nuestra sociedad. El juego Come Cocos es una actividad excelente para facilitar el aprendizaje y el reconocimiento de la belleza y diversidad de otras culturas. Ofrece una forma atractiva e interactiva de que los niños aprecien y abracen las tradiciones culturales. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Herencia Hispana Comic - Lee y Dibuja Página 2: Hispanos - Acróstico Página 3: Herencia Hispana - Países Página 4: Mi Herencia Hispana Página 5: So yo Fuera Hispano/a Página 6: Herencia Hispana - Come Cocos ¡Feliz Herencia Hispana! “----------------------------- ★Related Resources: * Descarga la Versión en Inglés -----------------------------”
Nativity Story - Manger Craft

Nativity Story - Manger Craft

The Christmas story captivates children, and they enjoy reenacting its significant moments and portraying its various characters. This resource enables children to read and illustrate the Christmas story in a personalized comic format. Moreover, this activity encourages children to write a letter addressed to Jesus and his family, expressing what they have learned from the story. They may also request prayers for those who are most in need. Imagine the joy of seeing children proudly adorned with manger medals or taking their own manger home to decorate. It is an activity that families truly cherish! This resource includes: Page 1: Nativity Story (comic format) Page 2: Nativity Medal Page 3: Nativity Medal (empty version) Page 4: Nativity Pennant/Banner Page 5: Letter to Baby Jesus and Family Page 6: Manger Craft Page 7: Manger Craft (frame) "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related items: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------------------------------" Happy Christmas!
Tolerancia - Tema el Oso

Tolerancia - Tema el Oso

Este recurso fomenta momentos de reflexión y ayuda a desarrollar la capacidad de juicio de sus hijos. Los niños se cuestionarán diversos casos de intolerancia e identificarán posibles soluciones para prevenirlos. Adquirirán una verdadera comprensión de la definición y el significado de la tolerancia. Esta actividad fomenta un discurso favorable a la diversidad, especialmente vital para abordar los problemas sociales. Además, enseña a tus niños a respetar a las personas de todos los orígenes. Este adorable osito sirve de herramienta perfecta para ilustrar la importancia de la tolerancia y cómo practicar esta notable cualidad. Anima a tus estudiantes a que compartan sus respuestas con sus familias para reforzarlas aún más. También es un excelente tema de conversación para las familias. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Tolerancia Página 2: Yo respeto a los demás Página 3: Me pongo en el lugar de la otra persona Página 4: Yo acepto las diferencias de los demás y desarrollo mi curiosidad Página 5: Enseña al Oso a ser tolerante "-------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------" "---------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro Honestidad - Tema el Panda Patience - Turtle Craft Patience - Turtle Theme Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache Responsabilidad - Tema el Conejo Tolerancia - Tema el Oso Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache -----------------------------" ¡Disfruta enseñando el valor de la tolerancia a tus estudiantes!
Refugees PowerPoint Presentation

Refugees PowerPoint Presentation

This presentation aims to raise awareness among our students about the meaning and challenges of being a refugee. Through this presentation, students will gain a deeper understanding of the refugee experience, the underlying reasons for displacement, and, most importantly, develop empathy and compassion. Each slide presents a reflection and a question that encourages children to comprehend and appreciate the hardships faced by individuals who must leave their countries, families, and homes. The intention is to make students aware of the harsh conditions many children their age endure as refugees, helping them recognize their own privileges. In one of the slides, titled “If I Were a Refugee…”, children will see how resilience and personal growth can serve as a pathway out of difficult circumstances, mirroring the experiences of refugees in our world. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Refugee Day? Slide 2: What is a Refugee? Slide 3: Reasons People Become Refugee Slide 4: Which Countries Do Most People Flee From? Slide 5: Where do Refugees Live? Slide 6: What is it Like to Live in a Refugee Camp? Slide 7: Children in a Refugee Camp Slide 8: How can you help refugees? Slide 9: The Positives of Being a Refugee Slide 10: If Were a Refugee… Slide 11: We have learned about… Refugee Day Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "--------------------------------------------------- ★Related resources: Download the Spanish Version ---------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like this resource: Refugees Activity Refugees Craft ----------------------------------------------------" Promote empathy and kindness among your students!
Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) - Presentación PowerPoint

Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) - Presentación PowerPoint

A través de esta presentación, los estudiantes conocerán un panorama completo del acoso escolar, incluida su definición, los distintos tipos y los papeles de las víctimas y los seguidores. Obtendrán información valiosa sobre cómo pueden apoyar eficazmente a los demás en la lucha contra el acoso y comprender el impacto que pueden tener sus propios comportamientos, ya sea como parte del problema a través del silencio o como parte de la solución mediante la prestación de ayuda. Esta presentación promueve la comprensión, fomenta una cultura positiva en la clase y crea un fuerte sentido de comunidad entre los estudiantes. Las slides están diseñada para implicar y educar a los estudiantes en el concepto de acoso escolar, al tiempo que les capacita para adoptar una postura contraria al mismo. Además, te anima a crear un espacio seguro para que los estudiantes compartan sus experiencias personales y sus puntos de vista sobre el acoso. Al escuchar activamente sus historias, puedes ayudarles a concienciarse y guiarles para que se conviertan en participantes proactivos que alcen la voz contra el acoso. Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es el Bullying? Diapositiva 2: Tipos de Bullying Diapositiva 3: Bullying Físico Diapositiva 4: Cyberbullying Diapositiva 5: Bullying Verbal Diapositiva 6: Bullying Social Diapositiva 7: ¿Quién es el/la Acosador/a? Diapositiva 8: Seguidores y Defensores del Bullying Diapositiva 9: Víctimas de Bullying Diapositiva 10:¿Qué Puedes Hacer Cuando ves que Alguien está Siendo Acosado? Diapositiva 11: STOP Bullying ¿Cómo Trato a los Demás? Diapositiva 12: Hemos Aprendido Sobre Bullying y Anti-bullying Formatos: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images "----------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés ------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Bullying - Mapa Mental Anti-Bullying - Actividad (Acoso Escolar) Spanish Activity Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Presentación PowerPoint -------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día de Anti-Bullying Day!
Bullying - Mapa Mental

Bullying - Mapa Mental

Esta actividad es un complemento ideal de la presentación en PowerPoint sobre el acoso y la lucha contra el acoso. El mapa mental es una poderosa herramienta que permite a los niños establecer conexiones significativas entre hechos, experiencias personales e ideas relacionadas con la prevención del acoso escolar. Este valioso recurso garantiza que los niños adquieran una comprensión global de la verdadera naturaleza del acoso escolar y les dota de estrategias eficaces para combatirlo. Este mapa mental sobre el acoso escolar ayuda a los estudiantes a aumentar su concienciación sobre el acoso, a compartir sus conocimientos sobre el tema y a crear, en colaboración, estrategias para responder eficazmente si se encuentran con este tipo de situaciones. Esta actividad también fomenta un sentimiento de solidaridad entre los estudiantes, ya que se dan cuenta de que no están solos a la hora de enfrentarse y abordar el acoso. El mapa mental se presenta en una versión vacía, que permite a los estudiantes construir individualmente, en grupos o en clase sus propios mapas mentales personalizados. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Bullying - Mapa Mental Página 2: Bullying - Mapa Mental (Versión Vacía) "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Bullying - Mapa Mental Anti-Bullying - Actividad (Acoso Escolar) Spanish Activity Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Presentación PowerPoint -------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz día del Anti-Bullying!
Christmas Stick Puppets

Christmas Stick Puppets

This resource features 8 adorable Christmas puppets available in both color and black and white versions. They are conveniently downloadable and easy to print. The puppets also include a line where students can practice writing the names of the main Christmas characters. These puppets are ideal for showcasing a Christmas show at school and for decorating the Christmas tree. This resource includes the following puppets: Santa Rudolph Elf Snowman Angel Tree Present Christmas Stocking How to use them: Print the puppets on cardstock or paper. Instruct children to carefully cut along the dotted lines to separate the puppets. Encourage them to use colored pencils or markers to add vibrant colors to the characters. Students should write the names of the Christmas characters on the designated lines. They can also create unique names for the puppets or write names in different languages if desired. Finally, have students affix the characters onto Christmas-colored sticks using glue or tape. Benefits: Acting out and social skills: Children can enhance their acting abilities and social skills by engaging in imaginative play with the puppets. Language skills: Through puppet play, children can practice and improve their language skills by narrating stories, and experimenting with different roles, voices, and characters. Storytelling and differentiation: The puppets can be used to retell stories, allowing children to distinguish between fantasy and reality as they bring the characters to life. Christmas vocabulary practice: The puppets provide a fun opportunity for children to reinforce their knowledge of Christmas-related vocabulary and expand their holiday-themed vocabulary repertoire. "----------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources Carta a Papá Noel FREE! Letter to Santa Brochure! Growth Mindset - Santa’s Christmas Gifts MiniBook Mentalidad de Crecimiento - Regalos de Navidad de Papá Noel - Minilibro Three Kings’ Day - PowerPoint Presentation Three King’ Day Activity Letter to The Three Wise Men - Brochure ---------------------------------------------" Happy Christmas/ Feliz Navidad!
International Peace Day - PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

International Peace Day - PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Peace Day PowerPoint Presentation.Looking for an easy way to teach your students about the significance of International Peace Day? This ready-to-go PowerPoint presentation, available in both PDF and Google Slides formats, will save you hours of planning while sparking meaningful discussions about peace. Dive into the deeper meaning of this important day and encourage students to reflect on how peace impacts their lives, families, and communities. Why Should You Use This? This resource is perfect for promoting empathy, respect, and self-awareness among young learners. It provides an engaging platform to explore not only the concept of peace but also how students can actively contribute to creating a peaceful world. With each slide, students will gain a deeper understanding of the values of peace, conflict resolution, and personal responsibility—skills that are essential for their social and emotional development. What Skills Are Students Working on with This Resource? Critical Thinking: Students will analyze the concept of peace and its relevance in today’s world. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence: Through reflection and discussion, children will consider how their actions impact others and the world around them. Problem-Solving: The resource encourages students to think about peaceful solutions to problems and how they can promote peace in everyday situations. Communication: Discussion questions help students express their thoughts, listen to others, and share opinions respectfully. Global Citizenship: Students will explore how they can contribute to peace on a local and global level, fostering a sense of responsibility for the world. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What Is The Meaning of International Day of Peace? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: What is Peace? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: When Was World Peace Day Created? And Why? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Why is Peace Day Important? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: What Will Happen to The World Without Peace? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: What Can You Do To Contribute To World Peace? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Inner Peace for World Peace (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: I Promote Peace in My Classroom (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Solve Problems Peacefully (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: Peaceful VS Not Peaceful (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: We Have Learned About International Peace Day (English and Spanish Version) * Happy International Peace Day!
End of the School Year Activities, Cootie Catcher, Pennant and Reflection

End of the School Year Activities, Cootie Catcher, Pennant and Reflection

Ensure your students cherish their school year memories forever with this resource that fosters reflection and gratitude. The Cootie Catcher game is a fun way for children to express their thoughts and insights about the end of the school year. By writing personalized notes for each of your students, you can create a lasting and meaningful impression on them. The notes will serve as a reminder of their emotions at the end of the year and will include highlights and tips for the upcoming year. You can attach the notes you wrote to each child’s card using a stapler. Additionally, the pennants can be displayed in the hall to add an extra touch of celebratory flair. Prepare yourself to receive numerous compliments for a job well done! This resource includes: Page 1: End of the School Year - Cootie Catcher Page 2: End of the School Year - Notes for Students (Version 1) Page 3: End of the School Year - Notes for Students (Version 2) Page 4: Best Things About This School Year - Pennant Page 5: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part I Page 6: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part II "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: End of School Year Activities End of the School Year - Album End of School Year Activities --------------------------------------------------------" Happy End of The School Year!